Saturday, October 3, 2009

Look what I can do, Mom!

Guess who learned how to pull up and chew on her crib rail? That was about the funniest thing I've ever seen when I went into Ansley's room yesterday. She first pulled up to look down at Molly, our Cocker Spaniel. Then I guess she realized the bar was there and that it would be tasty.

By the way, Ansley had her six month doctor's appointment Wednesday and we learned that she is a big girl. She's in the 100th percentile for height and weight, but the doctor said that's okay because her height and weight are proportionate. Of course she's big...her dad is 6'3. The doctor assured me that she won't be huge all her life, but some babies just grow faster than others. I'm just happy to have such a beautiful healthy baby. She had four shots that day, but she's a tough girl.

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