Saturday, January 22, 2011

Overdue updates

Here's what has been happening with us:
-Had a great Christmas with our families. Ansley racked up tons of toys and they're keeping her very busy these days. Her favorites for the time being are her baby dolls, kitchen, tea set, and tents.
-We're trying to get Ansley's big girl room finished so she can move over and get used to the toddler bed before her little sister comes. I KNOW I'm going to have trouble keeping her in that bed. I'm sure I'm going to get up in the morning and find all of her toys everywhere. Who knows what else I'll find...
-Heidi is growing a lot. Sometimes I feel like she's going to stick her feet through my throat. I can tell she's getting big already and I have about 3 months to go. I'm a lot more uncomfortable with this pregnancy than I was with Ansley.
-Ansley is talking so much. But, my favorite words from her are thank you, please, you're welcome, excuse me, and bless you.

Ansley's been having so much fun running around the house with a blanket on her head and pretending that it's her hair. How sad is that? It's going to be many, many years before she has long hair.

She's also having fun destroying the house. I can't count how many times a day I put all of her diapers back in the basket after she's "changed" her baby's diaper. It's such a joy watching her pretend and mother her babies.

This is a video of her dancing to her teapot's music. Sorry it's not rotated...I can't do that with my version of Quicktime.

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