Monday, April 29, 2013

Heidi's 2!

Our precious Heidi,
You just turned two years old and are such a sweet blessing to us. Your personality continues to change and I laugh as I think of how funny and sassy you've become. Here's more about you:
-You weigh 24 lbs and are in the 60th percentile for height and 25th for weight. Daddy and I were both surprised by this because we don't think of you as being small in terms of weight, but in height. I guess maybe you're not going to be so short after all.
-You have a HUGE personality. You love attention, to be silly, and to make people laugh. You can also be sassy and independent. You're learning to share and be kind and are very active.
-You have started pretending and love to play dress up and with your baby dolls. Your favorite baby is still your Minnie Mouse and she's always with you.
-You love to imitate everything your sister says and does. You get along so sweet one minute and are fighting the next. I guess that's the nature of sisters. I pray for you to be best friends and to have a wonderful relationship as you grow up. Sisters are so special.
-Something funny you do: We listen to a particular radio station in the car and during their breaks they sing the name of the station (KSBJ). Every single time they sing it, you finish by singing the J. It's so sweet hearing your little voice singing behind me as I drive and it's so funny that you never fail to do it.
-You've also started singing about Jesus and that's my favorite thing to hear you say. I pray for you to know Him at a young age and that you desire to glorify and serve Him all of your life.
-I'm interested to see how the transition goes when Graham gets here in a couple of months since you're so attached to me. You're still my baby and love being held, carried, and rocked, so I'm not sure what you're going to think when Mommy's carrying around and rocking a new little baby. But, you seem to understand that there's a baby in my belly because you are constantly rubbing it and saying "baby Graham."
-Speaking of my belly, when you see it you laugh and say "belly" in a deep and funny voice, like the image of my bare belly is the funniest thing you've ever seen.
You are such a precious little joy, Heidi Reese. I cannot believe the ways the Lord has blessed your daddy and me with such a sweet family. I'm so thankful for the two years He's given me with you and I look forward to many more!

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