Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who am I?

How do I even begin this post? I have so much I want to say, but it's not my nature to just blurt out my opinion or where I stand. Or to be bold. That's the problem. I feel like over the past week I have been overwhelmed with the reality of living in a fallen world. The terrible shooting in Colorado, the backlash Chickfila is facing for their biblical stance on marriage, the arguments for atheism I have seen on Facebook, the Darwin bumper sticker on the truck parked next to me at HEB. I know they've always been there, but my heart is broken this week. For them, and because they all have the boldness to proclaim their lack of faith, and I question if people really know what I stand for.
Sure, I talk about my love for Christ with my family, my friends, and my little girls. But I want my acquaintances, people I've only met once, and people who may read this blog that I've never met before to know. And it's not about me. It's about my Savior. So, this is who I am:
-I am a daughter of the King.
-I have always known of Jesus, but really only accepted His gift in high school. I made plenty of mistakes after my salvation, but it was Jesus that I always came back to. And these situations are an incredible part of my testimony that I've already gotten to use more than once.
-I believe not only because of the facts, but because His Holy Spirit fills me up. I cannot explain the joy and peace I feel in praying, thinking of my Savior, just soaking Him up. And, you know what? If these people who argue ignorance of Christians are right (and obviously I don't believe that), the worst I've done is live a beautiful happy life, full of love. And if they're wrong about their beliefs? Much worse ending than mine.
-I am hurt for the Lord when I hear people argue against Him.
-I believe 100% of what the Bible says. All of it. I believe it's the actual Word of God. I trust it. I desire to obey it.
-My biggest goal is to teach my daughters to love the Lord deeply. I pray for their salvation at an early age. I pray that they can see my love for Christ.
-My constant sin breaks my heart.
-I want to be bold. I want exude His love. I want to draw people closer to Him because they see me as different. I know I have a long way to go, but it is my goal.
-I am blessed way beyond what I deserve. This life I'm living could not be more beautiful. And part of the reason is because I'm married to a man who loves the Lord so much too. We really are one. We strive to be the biblical model of marriage. He's the leader of our family and loves me as Christ loves the church and I love, honor, respect, and submit to him. God's standards for marriage are good and are meant for our good.
I want people to know the real me. This is who I am. I am a follower of Christ and am going to be more bold about it. Because what do I have to lose? Family? No. Friends? No. My Savior? Never.

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