Thursday, January 7, 2010

9 Months Old


Since we brought you home just nine months ago, you have changed in ways that I could have never imagined. I used to try to picture you at this age, wondering what you would be doing. I still try to imagine what you will look like with hair, what you will be like as a two year old, if you will like doing girly things and wearing dresses or if you will rather be in jeans and working with Daddy. Will you always be so sure of what you want? Will you always smile so much and be comfortable around people you don't know? Will you always follow me around and hate being by yourself? (I know the answer to this...but I'm trying not to look forward to those years)

Here's what you're up to these days:
-You went to the doctor yesterday and you weigh 9 lbs 9 oz. and are 29 1/2 inches long. You're no longer in the hundredth percentile, but are 75th for weight and 95th for height. The doctor said that's normal since you're moving so much now.
-You are nursing only for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and right before bed.
-You love feeding yourself food and are eating less baby food. You love diced peaches, toast, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. Really, there's nothing that you won't eat at this point.
-Speaking of eating, we have to keep the pacifier in your mouth because you try to eat everything. It amazes me how you can find the tiniest speck on the floor. I'm sweeping at least twice a day.
-You understand the word "no" and when you're doing something you're not supposed to, like trying to eat shoes, and I say your name, you quickly wheel around and crawl off at lightning speed.
-You've started hugging me and I love it! Sometimes you just want to sit hugging me for a while.
-You sometimes pull those big bows off your head, so you're wearing them less. Just wait until you have hair long enough for pig tails and I put TWO big bows up there!
-You're walking while holding onto the furniture and you fall a lot.
-Your daddy taught you to climb last weekend. You've even climbed on top of the hearth and behind the fireplace.
-If I walk out of the room, you follow me. All day, every day. You just can't stand being alone.

The doctor's visit yesterday was traumatic. Besides getting your flu shot, you also had to get your blood drawn to make sure you have enough iron. This is routine for nine month olds. I took you to the lab and they tied a little band around each arm and poked around with their fingers to find your tiny veins. Then, they told me that I would have to hold you tight and asked if I would be able to handle it because a lot of moms can't. I knew I wanted to be the one to hold you because they wouldn't be able to comfort you like I can. So, they stuck the needle in your arm and had to poke around to get the vein. You cried hard because it hurt so much, but when they were finished you were just fine. We came home and Daddy rocked you and you took a good nap.

Ansley, I'm so proud and blessed to be your mommy and your daddy feels the same way. You're such a sweet little girl and we love you!


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