You're two months old! You're second month of life was pretty busy and you've just continued to grow and change every day. Here's more about you now:
-You're smiling a lot and I just love to see that precious little dimple on your right cheek that you inherited from your daddy. You also coo and "talk" to me, especially when you're getting your diaper changed and right after your bath.
-You seem to have a love/hate relationship with your pacifier. You love it at night and when you're first falling asleep, but you get so mad when I try to shove it in your mouth when you're crying or upset. It won't hurt my feelings at all if you don't become as attached to it as your sister is to hers.
-You sleep swaddled at night and propped on your Boppy pillow. You're a VERY light sleeper, just like your mommy. I never realized how loud Ansley was until you came around.
-You've been on many trips, including your first trip out of state to Florida.
-At your 2 month checkup (although it was about a week and a half early), the doctor said you were 9 lbs 12 oz and almost 22 inches long. You were in the 25th percentile, which totally surprised me because your sister was so big. The doctor also said you have acid reflux and prescribed medication. It seems to be working because you're not crying like you're in pain anymore.
-You still love the Moby wrap and spend a lot of time snuggled up to Mommy in it. You hate being put down anywhere including the swing, floor, bouncy seat, bed, carseat..
-I can tell you're going to be an active little girl once you're able to move independently. Your legs and arms are constantly going and you just want to move around on your own so badly.
-Something funny about your sister. She sees you spitting up a lot and watches as I fuss over cleaning your face and shirt and making sure you're alright. The other day she was sitting in her carseat behind me and said, "Mommy, I spit up." I turned to see her dangling her spit out of her mouth and sucking it back up. Kinda gross, but I couldn't help but laugh. I guess she was wanting a little attention.
-You've been giving other people that hold or babysit you a hard time. You cry and cry and are usually only comforted by Daddy or Mommy. You may be a little demanding, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The way I see it, you just know what you want.
I love you, Heidi and can't wait to watch how you grow and change in the next few months!